Meet the Executive Board: Paul Stumpf (’19)

Hello, everyone, Iโ€™m Paul, your Public Service Announcement/News Director! Iโ€™m a physics major. When I am not on the air you can find me on campus either with the Society of Physics Students or Menโ€™s Rugby.


As the News & PSAs director, it is my job to keep track of everything unrelated to music that is put on the air. Which includes managing and updating the public service announcements and legal ids. I also put together the schedule of events going on campus and around Burlington for DJs to use during their shows. If you want to have your events added to the news binder, all you have to do is ask, my email is


The Spotify playlist below is filled with some of my favorite songs. A few are quite new but don’t worry there are some classics too. Either way, you should give them a listen cause youโ€™ll never know if you like it until you give it a shot.ย 

Some great artists to check out

Crystal Clear

The Senate

Seven Leaves

blink -182

Trevor Moore

Some Rockinโ€™ Album Artwork


AC/DC: Fly on the wall







Alestorm: Captain Morganโ€™s Revenge (10th Anniversary Edition)








Dropkick Murphys: 11 Short Stories of Pain & Glory








Green Day: Dookie ย 








The Irish Rover: The Unicorn








Crystal Clear: If you were awake